HomeSarkari ResultsJK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2019 (Out) Fireman / Driver Merit...

JK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2019 (Out) Fireman / Driver Merit List 2020

JK Fire and Emergency Services ResultJK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2019 Out: Download Jammu & Kashmir Fireman and Driver Selection Merit List & Cut Off Marks PDF. The board released the selected and waiting list for appeared candidates Aspirants who have attended the Exam must check this article. To know more details about the J&K Fireman and Driver Cut Off Marks, Waiting List and Merit List stay tune this page. Also, we provided a direct link of the Fireman and Fireman Driver results at the below of this page.

Latest Update: JK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2020 Released! At the below of this article, we are discussing Fireman and Fireman Driver Result 2019. Students just click on indicated links and check the merit list status.

JK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2020 – Details

Name of the Authority JK Fire and Emergency Services
Exam Name Fireman and Fireman Driver
Number of Seats Various Posts
JK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2019 Release Date 3rd October 2020
Category Exam Results
Job Location Anywhere in Jammu and Kashmir
Official Site

JK Fireman and Driver Result Date

According to the news the Fireman and Driver results releasing on 3rd October 2020. Candidates can download the Fireman and Driver Result 2020 from the given below links after officially announced. As per the written test performance only the JK Fire and Emergency Services are selected for further selection stages. So all the candidates who appeared the JK Fire and Emergency Services exam can keep following with this article to know the latest updates about Exam Results. So, appeared candidates check their JK Fire and Emergency Services Exam Results using the given link.

JK Fire and Emergency Merit List 2020

The JK Fire and Emergency Merit List 2020 having the shortlisted candidates who can be got the highest marks in the Exam they will directly select for the next selection stages. The JK Fire and Emergency Services Board had released the Merit List after the exam result. If the authority announced the merit list we will be intimated through this page. Meanwhile, the students keep visiting our website to know more updates about the JK Fire and Emergency Services Fireman and Fireman Driver Result with Merit List.

JK Fire and Emergency Fireman/Driver Cut Off Marks 2019

The JK Fire and Emergency Services Fireman/Driver Cut Off Marks 2019 is different for each and every student who appear the exam. JK Fire and Emergency Services Officials Cut Off Marks 2020 will be based on various issues like, the total number of posts available, how many applicants attend the exam, analysis based on the last year write up, and the difficulty level of the exam paper. Candidates can also download the Fireman and Driver Cut Off Marks from the below-indicated links.

JK Fire Fireman Driver Cut Off Marks

How To Download JK Fire and Emergency Result 2020?

Step-1: Visit the official site of the JK Fire and Emergency official site @

Step-2: On the home page, you can view the ‘Fireman and Driver 2019’ section click on it.

Step-3: Now, you need to click on the ‘Result’ link.

Step-4: View for the JK Fire and Emergency Result 2019 link.

Step-5: Download the given the JK Fire result links.

Step-6: Download and take a print of merit list for further uses.

Important Links

Cut-Off Marks for the posts of Firemen/Firemen Drivers
Selection list of Fireman Drivers-OM
Merit list Fireman Drivers
Selection list of Fireman Driver- RBA
Selection list of Fireman Drivers-ST
Selection list of Fireman Driver-SC
Waiting list of Firemen Drivers-OM
Merit list of Fireman Rankwise
Merit list Roll No wise Firemen
Selection list of Fireman-OM
Waiting list of Firemen-OM
Selection list of Fireman – RBA
Waiting list of Firemen-RBA
Selection list of Fireman – SC
Waiting list of Firemen-SC
Selection list of Firemen-ST
Waiting list of Firemen-ST
Selection list of Firemen-OBC
Waiting list of Firemen-OBC
Selection list Firemen-ALC
Waiting list of Firemen-ALC
Visit Official Site

We hope the above-provided details regarding “JK Fire and Emergency Services Result 2020” are useful for you. Also visit the JK Fire Official site to further updates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for educational and informational purposes only. While we strive for accuracy, does not guarantee the completeness or reliability of the information. Users are encouraged to verify any facts before drawing conclusions or making decisions based on the content.

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